Due South

In the spirit of building bridges Bill FitzGibbons and Brian Wedgworth, co-curators, bring you"Due South" a Texas Sculpture Group exhibit.  Sculptors from across the state of Texas bring their work to Mark Clark's Galleria 409 located at...409 East 13th St. Brownsville TX 78520

March 22, 2014- April 22,2014
Thu.-Sat. 12 to 5 & by appt.

Texas Sculpture Group show "Due South" in Brownsville Texas 409

Joe Barrington
James Borders
Susan Budge
Alexander Comminos
Stephen Daly
Kurt Dyrhaug
Bill FitzGibbons
Susan Fitzsimmons
Dewane Hughes 
Richard Hyslin 
Ken Little
Bert Long 
Jesús Moroles
Brandon Nepote
George Schroeder
James Surls
George Tobolowsky
Maritza Vázquez
Gary Webernick
Brian Wedgworth


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